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Speaker: Wylie Davidson, Motivational Speaker, Dival Safety
Davidson is the training and culture specialist, as well as a motivational speaker and presenter for DiVal Safety Equipment Inc. located in Buffalo, New York. DiVal Safety is an international leader in safety supplies and training. Wylie has been the featured speaker at numerous national and regional accounts, including John Deere, Orbital ATK, Xcel Energy, Arkema, Mortenson Construction, and UGI Utilities, as well as several local and regional safety associations. Wylie has played an integral role in the growth and development of DiVal Safety’s training division. Throughout his 18 years of safety and management experience, he has visited and toured hundreds of manufacturing plants and job sites that include virtually every aspect of industry, construction, municipality, and utility. His ability to interact with a variety of workforce clientele, coupled with his dynamic personality and humor has allowed him to become a favorite among presenters. As a motivational speaker and safety trainer, Wylie has impacted thousands and has a unique ability to effectively deliver his message, making it relevant and personal for each attendee. Wylie is a member and certified trainer with the National Safety Council.
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34.14 Safe 4 the Right Reasons Lecture Wed., Mar. 11 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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