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Speaker: Tom Kostohryz, Wellness Consultant, Live Healthy Appalachia / Midwest Wellness Services LLC
Mr. Kostohryz is an employee benefits and wellness consultant from Athens, Ohio He is founder and current president of Live Healthy Appalachia, a non-profit in Southeastern Ohio with a mission of promoting healthy eating and active living through educational outreach and advocacy. His professional recognition/awards include President’s Advisory Council- Central Reserve Life Insurance Company, Outstanding Producer- Royal Advantage Broker- Medical Mutual Life Insurance Company. He has presented at various events including Worksite Wellness Workshop at Granville, Ohio; Ohio Employee Health and Wellness Conference at Columbus, Ohio; Mid-Adlantic Conference on Worksite Wellness at Glade Springs, W.V, American College of Lifestyle Medicine National Conference, Naples Fla...
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3826 Driving for Wellness: Better Health for Truckers Lecture (one hour) Thu., Mar. 9 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

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