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Speaker: Josh GrappyJosh Grappy, UAS Program Coordinator, BWC
Josh oversees the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program for the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. The UAS program plans to use drones to document catastrophic workplace accidents investigated by the Safety Violations Investigation Unit. Additionally, the program provides information to Ohio employers on how to implement UAS within their own businesses in a safe and responsible way. Josh is a certified remote Pilot in Command (FAA Part 107 remote pilot with a small UAS certification). Josh also works as a Digital Forensic Analyst within the Special Investigations Department and is a 16 year BWC employee.
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Session Code Session Title Session Type Day Time
5226 How Drones Are Used to Promote Safety Lecture (one hour) Thu., Mar. 9 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

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