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Speaker: Paul Gassman, Product and Process Engineer, Owens Corning
Gassman’s first engineering job was in a manufacturing facility 33 years ago. He’s worked in product design, process improvement, corporate engineering, maintenance supervision and manufacturing engineering in many and diverse environments. The most rewarding parts of his career have centered within the production environment and are directly tied to the people whom he worked with to understand, challenge and improve production processes. Whether it’s a one day trial, a week long Kaizen or a year long assignment in your own plant or at a third-party supplier, impacting the individuals is key and critical to impacting productivity. Personal safety is a solid common ground that enables relationships to be built between engineers and front line employees. Recognizing and using a focus on safety, process reality and mutual respect is a personal and professional goal, which Gassman believes can help you implement into your daily work life.
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1711 How to Train Your Engineer Lecture Wed., Mar. 7 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

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