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Speaker: Kristen Morgret, CSPKristen Morgret, Group Manager, Safety Consulting, RETTEW
Morgret, certified safety professional, is a safety consultant with nearly 20 years of experience in the safety field. She performs consulting duties, including hazard evaluations and compliance audits, industrial hygiene services, training, procedure and policy development, and regulatory reporting in the safety and environmental fields. As a project manager for long-term projects and clients, she supervises other consultants, maintains communications with clients, represents clients at contractor and/or compliance meetings and oversees schedule and budgetary matters. Morgret's previous experience includes process safety management, fall protection solutions, electrical safety, industrial hygiene and a variety of other disciplines.
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Session Code Session Title Session Type Day Time
3615 Falls: Are you Protecting? Or Preventing? Lecture Wed., Mar. 7 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
1411 More than Just Compliance: Safety and Environmental Management Lecture Wed., Mar. 7 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

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