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Speaker: Donny OwensDonny Owens, Lead Safety/Training Coordinator, Owens-Corning
Owens has been employed by Owens-Corning in Newark, Ohio, for more than 40 years. He started doing safety for GMP Local #244 in 1983. This includes safety committeeman, chairman of the GMP Safety Committee and since 1995, lead safety and training coordinator. During this time, Owens has been involved in the implementation of the plant’s behavior based safety (BBS) process. He has presented at the Ohio Safety Congress & Expo yearly since 2011. Owens has also presented at 12 Ohio county safety councils and the National BST - Safety in Action conference (which he is now co-chairman of its international steering team). In addition, Owens has facilitated 14 local Owens-Corning BBS conferences, attended by 32 companies, including competitors. Since the inception of Owens-Corning’s BBS process, the company has reduced its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable rate from 18.5 to 0. This includes more than 1.4 million man-hours OSHA free while increasing the plant’s conversion efficiency by 12 percent. Ownes has helped to develop a BBS process for self-observations, group observations and off the job observations. He has also helped several local facilities implement their own process.
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1713 The Psychology of Risk Control and Behavior Based Safety Lecture Wed., Mar. 7 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

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