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Speaker: Michael Angeline, CHSP CHCM HEM, Safety Officer, Premier Health – Miami Valley Hospital
Angeline is the safety officer for Premier Health – Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. He previously worked at another health-care organization where he served as director of safety, security and emergency management for more than nine years. Prior to that, he served as a corporate security manager. Angeline has been in health-care facility safety and security since 1991 and developed programs with a strong emphasis on workplace violence prevention. He was previously a certified aggression manager and holds the following certifications: health-care environmental manager, certified health-care safety professional and certified hazard control manager. He holds a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice administration and served in the military with honors in the security police field.
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Session Code Session Title Session Type Day Time
3126 Oh, Crap! Active Aggression Recovery Lecture Thu., Mar. 8 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
3124 Roadblocking the Path of the Next Active Aggressor Lecture Thu., Mar. 8 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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