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Speaker: Rob Acquista, Supervisor, Food Protection Program, Columbus Health Department
Rob has led teams within the Food Safety Program at Columbus public Health for over 20 years. Some of the programs included the mobile/vending component of the food program, plan review program, and Rob was instrumental in developing the original enforcement program. Rob conducts regular educational, training programs and works with local media outlets on food protection issues. Mr. Acquista is the liaison between the Health Department and industry, that helps develop and build relationships and breaks down barriers with industry.
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Session Code Session Title Session Type Day Time
293 Fight or Flight? What Are You Going to Do in a Crisis? Part 1 Wed., Mar. 9 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
295 Fight or Flight? What Are You Going to Do in a Crisis? Part 2 Wed., Mar. 9 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
296 Operating Under the Influence! Not Limited to Motor Vehicles Wed., Mar. 9 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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