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Speaker: Blaine Hoffmann, Host of the Safety Pro Podcast/Advisory Board, iReportSource
Hoffman is the vice president of safety for iReportSource, which helps simplify environmental health and safety management through technology. He shares his safety management experiences with customers and learns from them every day. Hoffman also shares his experiences and helps others manage workplace safety on The SafetyPro Podcast. Since 2014, he has reached millions through podcasting and enjoys sharing safety experiences through the medium. For more than 20 years, he has made it his mission to teach others how to stay safe, use practical safety management tools, and to continue to improve their safety culture. He teaches businesses how to keep their employees safe in an ever-changing and uncertain world. As a corporate consultant and a senior leader in several public and private organizations, he continues to learn and grow as a safety professional.
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24.26 5 Ways to Combat Complacency in Safety Lecture Thu., Mar. 12 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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