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Speaker: Phillip Rutherford, Sergeant, Ohio State Highway Patrol
Rutherford entered the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) Academy in November of 2006 with the 147th Academy Class. After graduating in 2007, he was stationed at the Chillicothe Post. He served on the Division Honor Guard for several years. In 2009, he was the leader in arrests of operating a vehicle under the influence incidents for District 9. Rutherford worked as a translator between the Ecuadorian Transit Police and OSHP. He translated for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshalls, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and local law enforcement agencies during warrant services and interrogations. Rutherford was promoted to sergeant in April of 2017 and remains at the Chillicothe Post.
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38.16 Alert, Attentive, Alive: No More Distracted Driving Lecture Wed., Mar. 11 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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