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Speaker: Lisa StokesburyLisa Stokesbury, Director of Client Success & Business Development, Vocalink Global
Stokesbury serves as Vocalink Global’s director of client success and business development. Since joining Vocalink in 2004, she has held several key positions in interpreting operations, marketing, and sales. In addition, Stokesbury has been a member Vocalink’s executive management team for more than five years, helping to shape the company’s strategic direction. A key to her success at Vocalink is her deep understanding of each client’s business. She acts as an “inside language expert,” able to help clients discover areas where multilingual communication can grow their market share, increase productivity, enhance engagement, ensure compliance, and mitigate risk. She partners with clients to craft the solutions that let them be heard and understood across language and culture. She holds a business administration degree from Indiana Vocational College and was trained at the Carnegie School of Business.
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24.24 Using Language and Culture to Improve Workplace Safety Lecture Thu., Mar. 12 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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