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Speaker: Norman McCloskey, Special Agent, Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation
McCloskey has been with the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC), Special Investigations Department since 2000. He is a special agent and is currently assigned to the Southeast Region, primarily investigating injured worker fraud. He is a field training officer, evidence custodian and a member of the tactical operations group within the Special Investigations Department. McCloskey's work experience stems from positions he held with the Ohio Attorney Generals Office and Highland County Department of Humans Services, where his responsibility was to investigate fraud and abuse. He served as a reserve police officer in his hometown for 10 years. McCloskey has over 29 years of experience investigating fraud.
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61.14 BWC Outreach: Services at a Glance Lecture Wed., Mar. 11 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

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