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Speaker: Jonathan Bach, CIH, CSP, PEJonathan Bach, Safety Engineer, CDC-NIOSH
Bach is a professional engineer serving at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as the coordinator for the Prevention through Design program. He is certified in industrial hygiene and safety. After earning his engineering degree at Syracuse University, Bach served in the military as a bioenvironmental engineering officer with the U.S. Air Force in Colorado, Turkey, Italy, and Pennsylvania. In 2002 he became a regional industrial hygiene manager for Naval Healthcare New England. In 2004 he moved to Germany to serve with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as an environmental project manager and the Europe District industrial hygienist. In 2007 Bach became the health and safety manager for the Army Corps of Engineers in Europe. In 2014 he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio to work on Prevention through Design with NIOSH.
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93.33 Prevention through Design (PtD) - How to DO it! Workshop (three hours) Fri., Mar. 13 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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