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Speaker: Billy ParkerBilly Parker, Motivational Speaker, Lending A Hand
Parker became a safety advocate in 2016, nine years after he lost both arms above the elbow in a drywall shredder accident. Parker was a welder/fabricator for more than 21 years. He trained in all aspects of safety when it came to the sheet metal and construction trades. That's why it was so difficult to believe that this incident occurred. Parker has traveled all over the United States telling his story, which includes presenting for companies of all sizes and at safety conferences. His life, and that of many others were changed that day. This event could have prevented from happening and becoming complacent almost cost him his life. Now, Parker is dedicated to keeping the same thing from happening to someone else.
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36.15 Safety – It's in Your Hands Lecture Wed., Mar. 11 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

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